
Founded in Denmark in 1906 under the name of Fisker & Nielsen, Nilfisk is now a world leader in the production of industrial vacuum cleaners, with production facilities around the world.

It was in one of these, in Zocca (MO), that the need was felt to adopt a tool that would simplify communication with suppliers, that would make the global supply chain more fluid and transparent and that could be integrated with SAP.


  • To find a better technological solution than supplier portal
  • To collect data in a shared and transparent way with suppliers and between plants globally
  • To automatically process supplier performance data to create reports and implement corrective actions


IUNGO Procurement, with the following modules:

  • Purchase order
  • Contract work
  • RfX
  • Scheduling agreement
  • ASN
  • Reporting

Integration with SAP


  • Implementation of IUNGO in Italy, Denmark and Hungary
  • 95% of order lines managed with IUNGO at the first step of the project
  • Complete process control, from purchase to production: 97% of deliveries to customers are on time