
30 May 2024

IUNGO launches a training scheme for those wanting to become a certified Supply Chain Collaboration in cloud consultant

The goal is to react with technological innovation to the main challenges upsetting the sector by preparing a panel of consultants who are experts on IUNGO in cloud technology.


Creating a team of expert Supply Chain Collaboration consultants ready to face the stress, volatility and confusion of a continually changing sector: this is the goal of the Consultant Certification Project, a training and on the job training programme devised by IUNGO, the supply chain collaboration in cloud platform established in 2001 as a spin-off of the Engineering Faculty at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.

This project is backed by evidence: last year, more than 90% of international companies invested in supply chain technologies (1) so as to use digital transformation to respond to breaks in supply chains, labour and raw material shortages.

Technology lies at the heart of what IUNGO offers, sensitive to changes in the market and focused on providing innovative solutions to support companies. This is the right time to share with the sector’s professionals the wealth of information and evidence we hold, through a certification programme which will allow ever-increasing numbers of businesses to familiarize themselves with and specialize in the IUNGO solution. The consultant certification project started with the idea of providing value for end customers, who will be able to work with professionals specialized in a solution and process for getting the most out of their Supply Chain collaboration projects.” – explains Chiara Ferrari, IUNGO Training Project Manager – Marketing.

Split into three levels and consisting of two stages – training and training on the job – at the end a certification is awarded and the chance to join a network of 415 customers and 150,000 integrated suppliers with events, lots of marketing initiatives and much more.

The Consultant Certification Project is for all self-employed people or consulting companies specializing in Supply Chains and processes.

IUNGO provides 3 opportunities for certification each year, the first starting in November 2023, followed by two more in January and April 2024.

A growing panel: together with Makeitalia and Fabbrica del Valore, now Lewitt Associati and other companies are joining the IUNGO Certified Consultant network.



Daniela Monteverdi: – +39 349 319 2268

Micaela Longo: – +39 339 580 0192